In its entirety, the Orca system represents our launch product that addresses an enormous opportunity related to a lack of water use data generally, and an almost universal concern that the threat of water leaks, costly damage, and unaffordable insurance is but one unfortunate event away.
We’ve been both humbled and inspired by the applicability of our solution to so many different fields: water conservation, insurance, proptech, and ESG. But as a seasoned team of product innovators with a track record of influential product launches and client exits, we know that we need to focus on our core differentiator first: non-intrusive water analytics.
So much is written every day about climate change, the race to a zero emissions future, and how the world needs to redouble its efforts to meet UN SDGs in an ever changing landscape. General areas of technology innovation, such as AI and computational advances continue to impress, enabling new capabilities for the world as a whole. What hasn’t been nearly as prevalent is substantive discussion about water; a chronically underfunded, fragmented, and bureaucratic sector that receives a bare fraction of the investment and attention that climate tech or alternative energy markets see.
One undeniable theme has emerged in the past few years—the growing frequency of news articles citing water scarcity, drought and the impact of water scarcity on things we take for granted. Even here in southwestern British Columbia, the world’s largest temperate rainforest, news of drought, elevated water restrictions and states of emergency for coastal communities can no longer be ignored. This past summer, America suffered unprecedented water shortages and record low reservoirs. It’s time to acknowledge that these issues aren’t isolated localized incidents. They’re part of a sector badly in need of fresh thinking and innovation.
So many things rely on the ready availability of fresh water for a viable community. Human health and economic prosperity are the most basic of needs and water is at the core.
The genesis of Orca was a belief that water—a precious and increasingly scarce essential resource—needs to be measured everywhere, and only then would its true value to humanity be apparent. Our team has been measuring fluids for more than a decade, and we’ve been designing bespoke product and technical innovations for well longer than that. The journey to a scarcity-free, water available world will be long and difficult to achieve, but we have to start now. Our efforts to bring measurement, water analytics and the numerous other benefits of water monitoring and traceability to the masses is an opportunity we are perfectly positioned for. This is what gives the Orca Water team purpose, and why we chose watertech to go all in.